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2M Weak Signal

I recently made my foray into the world of vhf weak signal. So far, that world has proven to be lonely.

25 watts and a loop at 25 feet

Equipped with an FT 991 and a loop antenna at 25 feet I can now explore 144 and 432 MHz. I've spent many hours cqing with no results. Multiple modes and frequencies have been tried to no avail.

Still the logbook is more of a log note. I assume there aren't as many hams on vhf/uhf SSB and digital because it usually means buying another radio. Wait, what am I saying?

Seems the majority of contacts up the dial are arranged. Let me know if you would like to qso on 50/144/432 in Arizona. Any popular mode is OK. It will be interesting to see how this basic station performs. SWL reports get a sweet K7LOL qsl card too.

K7LOL @ KLorG.com

CQ CQ 2 meters ...

Despite the futility of the act, I'll be calling CQ most evenings around 144.175 MHz FT8 starting at 0100 hours UTC from DM43ah.

K7LOL qth in Phoenix

Also be calling CQ at 144.150 MHz MSK144 early mornings from the former Ahwatukee RF Test Kitchen to see what scatter brings in.

I am in the midst of crafting a tower of loops for 10m through 432 MHz. The conduit based hardware will complete the aerial portion of this endeavor providing horizontal polarization for those bands. The 991 is going to be very busy.

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